
Brief Analysis of Domestic LED Lighting Industry

On Sep.1st, the EU has released new standards of LED energy efficiency, aiming to upgrade LED products quality in domestic market, so Chinese LED enterprises will face higher risk in exporting. In the early, Shenzhen has launched a risk management platform for LED industry, aiming to guard enterprises in risk early warning, contract standardization, negotiation and risk consulting, etc.

Shenzhen is the most centralized place for LED companies, it is reported that the number of LED companies in Shenzhen is up to 1800 which is occupying half of LED industry in Guangdong province and third of China. The quality and quantities of LED package, display and lighting products is top in China and shows Shenzhen an important position in Chinese LED industry.

From 2006 to 2012, Chinese LED industry is developed at full speed which market size has risen to 192 billion from the first 35.6 billion. Meanwhile, the compound growth rate has reached up to 32.43%, outclassing the global average. From 2010, China has become one of the fastest developed countries of LED industry, it is predicted that Chinese LED industry will keep a full speed in 2013 and the market scale will up to 250 billion.


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