LED wallpack lights

Venus Series LED wallpack lights

11 200x300 Kingsun Venus Series LED wallpack lights on a parking lot in North Carolina, USA In December, 2012   22 200x300 Kingsun Venus Series LED wallpack lights on a parking lot in North Carolina, USA In December, 2012

kingsun has finished its lighting retrofit project in a shopping mall’s parking lot in North Carolina, USA. More than 100 pcs LED 90W wallpack has adopted in this project.

Venus LED wallpack series with bronze/ metallic dark grey appearance is a new product launched by kingsun in 2012. It is widely used in commercial, residential, factories and parking lots area. Kingsun LED wallpack with modular LED structure of LED light source shows a lot of functions in LED applications.

For this parking lot, Kingsun provides a total LED lighting solution to its customer. The RL2W wall packs with motion sensor can adjust the light according to light intensity and 100% dimming control for saving energy. Meanwhile, photocell control enables to control these lamps on/off by sensing the environment brightness.

Lamps used in this project are Kingsun Venus series LED wall pack, if you want more information, please go to Venus Series LED wallpack.

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